ROBLOX - Roblox is a user-generated massively multiplayer online social gaming platform. Players create their own virtual worlds within the Roblox universe, along with friends.

Play something new every day! Over 30 million users visit the virtual universe each month with over 700,000 creators generating unique, immersive content for the gaming community ranging from immersive multiplayer games and competitions, to interactive adventures.  With the largest user-generated online gaming platform, and over 15 million games created by users, ROBLOX is the #1 gaming site for kids and teens!

ROBLOX Android App   iOS App   Web App  

Rating: 4.3
Platform: 4.1 and up
Date Published: March 10, 2017
App Version: 2.281.109339
Author: ROBLOX Corporation

Application Description:
Roblox is a user-generated massively multiplayer online social gaming platform. Players create their own virtual worlds within the Roblox universe, along with friends.

Play something new every day! Over 30 million users visit the virtual universe each month with over 700,000 creators generating unique, immersive content for the gaming community ranging from immersive multiplayer games and competitions, to interactive adventures. With the largest user-generated online gaming platform, and over 15 million games created by users, ROBLOX is the #1 gaming site for kids and teens!

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Check out other games similar to Roblox

Minecraft - Minecraft is a three-dimensional sandbox game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a great amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game. However, there is an achievement system.[15] Gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—arranged in a fixed grid pattern and representing different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, lava, tree trunks, etc. While players can move freely across the world, objects can only be placed at fixed locations on the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

Minecraft Games Similar to Roblox

Minecraft is a three-dimensional sandbox game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players More...

Terraria - Terraria is a sandbox 2D game with gameplay that revolves around exploration, building, and combat. The game has a 2D sprite tile-based graphical style reminiscent of the 16-bit sprites found on the Super NES. The game is noted for its classic exploration-adventure style of gameplay, similar to titles such as the Metroid series and Minecraft.

The game starts in a procedurally generated world. The player starts with three basic tools: a pickaxe for mining, a shortsword for combat, and an axe for woodcutting. Many resources, notably ores, can be found while mining or exploring underground caves. The player begins with a limited amount of health and magic points, which can both be increased by finding certain items by exploring. Some resources, and most items, may only be found in certain areas of the map, stored in common and rare containers, or dropped by certain enemies. The player uses resources to craft new items and equipment at an appropriate crafting station for that recipe. For example, tables or other items can be crafted at a work bench, and bars can be smelted from ore at a furnace. Several advanced items in Terraria require multiple crafting operations where the product of one recipe is used as an ingredient for another.

Terraria Games Similar to Roblox

Terraria is a sandbox 2D game with gameplay that revolves around exploration, building, and combat. The game has a 2D spMore...

Block N Load - Block N Load blends sandbox with the class based shooter to create a strategic 5 on 5 FPS where you’ll get to remake the environment to meet your needs while also playing as a host of colourful characters.

Gameplay in Block N Load is split into two distinct game phases; the build phase and then the attack phase. During the first of these players are given several minutes to plan out their defences which need to be centred around your 3 base cubes which need to be protected from the enemy 5 person team.

This means building structures out of the various game blocks and combining them with utility blocks like glue, respawn pads, health stations, land mines, bear traps, plasma mines and turrets. With some of these blocks being class specific a balanced team is your best bet to ensure balanced defence.

Blocks aren’t just defensively minded though and once the game switches to the shooting phase you’ll find them just useful. Aggressive blocks include bombs, C4, speed pads and bounce pads. All of these blocks have a different block cost with more advanced items costing significantly more blocks to keep things balanced.

The builders behind the blocks are just as important in Block N Load though with a hero list of over a dozen. Using a typical freemium setup of rotating free characters, permanent unlocks through in game currency and paid skins all players can engage the range of heroes.

Said heroes each come with a primary and secondary weapon that supports their playstyle (assault, defence, area control, support) and a unique block. Additionally a primary and passive skill can really separate you from other players with skills such as the ability to climb walls, heal allies, fear enemies, gaining shields for kills and many more.

Block N Load ensures a wealth of fun and is particularly effective when played in a pre-made group of 5 which ensures more consistent planning. Those without ample numbers though will still find they can win or lose games on their own merits due to the small size of players in each match.

Block N Load Games Similar to Roblox

Block N Load blends sandbox with the class based shooter to create a strategic 5 on 5 FPS where you’ll get to remake tMore...

Unturned - Unturned is a sandbox game in the multiplayer survival genre. Survive the zombie infestation with your friends! Over the course of a typical adventure you'll fortify a base, scavenge for supplies, live off the land and negotiate with other players. The game is being developed hand-in-hand with the community, and tons of features are based entirely on feedback:

You can build massive forts out of structural building blocks, or barricade smaller buildings from before the apocalypse began. It is also possible to create traps and intricate electronic systems. These extend to vehicles as well, you can make a giant rolling fortress!

It is entirely possible to live off the wilderness by harvesting resources, fishing, growing crops and hunting down animals.

There are several openworld locations to visit from Prince Edward Island to Russia, with many more available in the Steam Workshop.

In PvP servers you can battle other players to steal their gear, or play Arena mode servers for a last man standing experience.

In PvE you can team up with other players without fear of death, or create a group and work together in PvP! You can also progress Unturned's story by helping rebuild society questing with NPCs.

Unturned Games Similar to Roblox

Unturned is a sandbox game in the multiplayer survival genre. Survive the zombie infestation with your friends! Over theMore...

Terasology - Terasology is a beautiful open source game that combines sandbox style gameplay with other genres. The game is still in the midst of development but already looks amazing and has some very unique ideas for the genre.

If you want a free game that offers a very similar experience to what Minecraft has to offer or want to contribute to your own block building adventure behind the scenes, then Terasology might just be what you are after. The number of active participants varies from time to time but there are about a dozen users working on the project in an ongoing manner with options for you to contribute smaller parts always available.

The vision for the game is to eventually combine some management based features similar to that of Dwarf Fortress and even Dungeon Keeper. The game is still a fair way away from that point as of this review but still is an impressive experience.

In the current state of the game you can edit the game world by destroying and placing the various game blocks or spend your time blowing them up with the ray gun available in the game. You can also simply enjoy the experience with breathtaking water visuals, lighting effects (when you are holding a torch) and shadows that change with the position of the sun.

This planned gameplay will have you building your own ultimate fortress (hopefully on top of a nice hill) and managing your own minions as they protect you by fighting off various baddies in the game. NPCs will also be thrown into the mix in some capacity although final details are still unknown.

Other notable features that may (or may not) eventually be added also include tech trees, advanced crafting, a rich alive game world and portals. The game has slowly built up a great following that you can become a part of either just to play the game or contribute to a game that will definitely be something special.

Terasology Games Similar to Roblox

Terasology is a beautiful open source game that combines sandbox style gameplay with other genres. The game is still in More...

Trove - Trove brings the blocky sandbox genre into the MMO arena, selecting one of many classes you’ll adventure into a large game world while making friends, completing dungeons, collecting loot and building up your own corner in the universe.

To start your Trove adventures players will choose from one of a dozen classes that each have their own basic attack and selection of abilities. Covering everything that you could envision you’re bound to find a class appropriate for your playstyle with various melee fighters and ranged combatants to pick from.

After you’ve selected your desired class you’ll be taken through a basic tutorial which ends with you entering the central game area known as the Hub. From this central location players can enter portals with various level and loot ranges. With portals having minimum levels these serve as the primary sense of progression in the game as well. Within each portal you’ll find a unique biome along with a number of dungeons that contain mini-bosses for improved loot hunting.

Levels play just a small part in your overall power though with several equipment slots for players to enhance with loot from their fallen enemies. Trove opts for a unique approach in this regard with only 3 of the equipment slots dropped from enemies (weapons, hats and masks). For the other remaining slots such as rings, pets, mounts and many other slots must be crafted, rewarded via quests or purchased. With 8 levels of loot rarity and randomised drops players will find the game to be a loot heaven.

Outside of monster killing and loot hunting players can claim their own piece of land known as a cornerstone which allows players to create their personal home base that is unique to them and cannot be harmed by other players. For those that would rather collaborate on building projects the creation of clubs allows for this.

Considering everything that Trove has to offer and its free price tag it is impossible to pass up on what is one of the great sandbox adventures and loot hunts around.

Trove Games Similar to Roblox

Trove brings the blocky sandbox genre into the MMO arena, selecting one of many classes you’ll adventure into a large More... - The objective of is to grow a cell by swallowing both randomly generated pellets, which slightly increase a cell's mass, and smaller cells, without being swallowed by larger cells. The browser version currently holds four game modes: FFA (Free-for All), Teams, Experimental, and Party. The mobile version of the game includes: FFA (Free-For-All) and Rush Mode. The goal of the game is to obtain the largest cell; players restart when all of their cells are swallowed by another player. Players can change their cell's appearance with predefined words, phrases, symbols or skins. The more mass a cell has, the slower it will move. Cells gradually lose mass over time.

Viruses split cells larger than them into many pieces (16 or less, depending on the mass) and smaller cells can hide underneath a virus for protection against larger cells. Cells in 16 pieces can eat viruses without splitting, though it's usually dangerous running around in sixteen pieces. Viruses are normally randomly generated, but players can make new viruses by feeding a virus, i.e. ejecting a small fraction of a player's cell's mass into the virus a few times, causing the virus to split up and hence create another virus.

Players can split their cell into two, and one of the two evenly divided cells will be flung in the direction of the cursor (a maximum of 16 split cells). This can be used as a ranged attack to swallow other smaller cells, to escape an attack from another cell, or to move more quickly around the map. Split cells eventually merge back into one cell. Aside from feeding viruses, players can eject (release) a small fraction of their mass to feed other cells, an action commonly recognized as an intention to team with another player. A player can also eject mass to trick enemies into coming closer to the player. Once an enemy cell is close enough, the player can split his/her cell to eat the baited enemy. Games Similar to Roblox

The objective of is to grow a cell by swallowing both randomly generated pellets, which slightly increase a cellMore...

Cubic Castles - Go on an adorable adventure in Cubic Castles, featuring a game world designed by players one cube at a time. Make friends, platform, gather resources, build and complete quests in this 3D MMO journey.

Cubic Castles is a game that puts you in complete control of the experience as you create an account and claim your own piece of the game world to call your own realm. This realm acts as your own piece of virtual land that can be customised with all sorts of cubes and items that you craft.

Farming these resources will require you to travel the world of Cubic Castles to visit forest, deserts, arctic and mountain biomes to extract cubes and take them back to your own realm. The sheer number of cube types and subsequent crafting recipes can quickly be overwhelming as you decide on the design of your realm.

As you can imagine with everyone having their own realm the game world is packed to the brim with locations, this is where the sky map comes into play to easily teleport wherever you want to go. This comes in handy to reach the biome mines, visit a friend or simply explore what other players have done with their realms. Popular designs often involve combining the various blocks into a dangerous and challenging platform trail or simply focus on artistic design instead.

With a wealth of potential in Cubic Castles you’ll find helpful quests to keep new players on track and also serve as a tutorial. These quests will also let you level up your character (among other tasks) to give you perks that provide passive benefits that generally increase your resource gathering efficiency in one way or another. For those that want more visual orientated customisation Cubic Castles also offers a huge collection of clothing to create your ideal style.

Cubic Castles is a cute building orientated MMO that lets you turn your creativity into a realm of your cube sized creations. The community of Cubic Castles is its greatest asset and also its biggest liability of the game so ensure you keep a tight control of build permissions in your realm.

Cubic Castles Games Similar to Roblox

Go on an adorable adventure in Cubic Castles, featuring a game world designed by players one cube at a time. Make friendMore...